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Commute for the climate

A key part of ERM’s science-based targets is a goal to reduce Scope 3 emissions by 11% by 2025. For ERM, this is primarily about how we travel – both business travel and employee commuting.

In FY20, we conducted “Commute for the Climate,” a pilot program challenging a sampling of our offices globally to transition to lower-carbon forms of commuting. Our employees made the switch to climate-friendlier options for travelling to and from work such as carpools, public transit, cycling and walking to the office.

The purpose of the pilot was to identify the wider health, social and economic benefits of more sustainable forms of commuting and encourage lasting behavior change.

In the year ahead, we will expand the program to each of ERM’s business units, particularly in those locations where employees have access to safe alternatives to driving.

Our commitment to reducing Scope 3 emissions is further supported by our new global policies for travel and office leasing.

Although COVID-19 restrictions drastically reduced commuting as offices shut down and employees worked from home, this had a small effect on our FY20 annual Scope 3 emissions because our reporting period ended 31 March.

Bruno Osanno from ERM's Aix-en-Provence, France, office switched to riding a bike for his 33 km return trip commute as part of our "Commute for the Climate" pilot program. 

The ERM team in Jakarta, Indonesia, came in first place during a friendly competition among offices as part of the "Commute for the Climate" pilot program. They reduced emissions by walking with co-workers for part of the journey to and from work, switching to bicycles instead of using public transportation or motorbikes and raising awareness by sharing videos of their commutes with co-workers in the office and across ERM.