; Health & safety supporting data

Health & safety supporting data

Data presented here support the Health & safety section of this report.

Days away from work case (DAWC) rate FY16 - FY18, by region ¹


 DAWC rate per region
Europe, Middle East and Africa 0.37 0.11 0.55
Asia Pacific 0 0.14 0
Latin America and Caribbean 0.53 0.26 0.45
North America 0.15 0.22 0
Global Businesses 0 0 0
Group 0 0 0


1 Days away from work cases (DAWC) is the number of days away from work multiplied by 200,000 (with 200,000 hours equivalent to 100 employees working a 40-hour week for 50 weeks of the year) and divided by the total number of hours worked by all employees.

Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) FY16 - FY18 ¹ ²

 Total Recordable Incident Rate
Europe, Middle East and Africa 0.87 0.22 0.78
Asia Pacific 0 0.29 0
Latin America and Caribbean 0.53 0.53 0.45
North America 0.39 0.54 0.33
Global Businesses 0 0 0
Group 0.61 0 0


1 This data includes ERM employees only and does not include independent contractors at this time due to system limitations.
2 Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) is the number of recordable injuries and illnesses multiplied by 200,000
(with 200,000 hours equivalent to 100 employees working a 40-hour week for 50 weeks of the year) and divided by the total number of hours worked by all employees.

Severity Rate FY16 - FY18 ¹ ² ³

  Severity Rate
Europe, Middle East and Africa 2.35 2.02 5.65
Asia Pacific 0 0.86 0
Latin America and Caribbean 16.75 3.71 1.82
North America 15.50 21.86 0.11
Global Businesses 0 0 0
Group 4.26 0.61 0


1 This data includes ERM employees only and does not include independent contractors at this time due to system limitations. 
2 Severity rate is the total number of days away from work and restricted-duty days multiplied by 200,000 and divided by the number of hours worked by all employees.
3 This data has been restated for FY16 for North America Severity Rate data from 11.43 to 15.5 due to surgery required after the date of injury and additional lost/restricted work days. This data has been restated for FY17 for LAC Severity Rate from 7.41 to 3.71 and for North America Severity Rate from 20.07 to 21.86. Data corrected due to a calculation error.

Number of recordable incidents FY16 - FY18 ¹

  Recordable Incidents
Europe, Middle East and Africa 7 2 7
Asia Pacific 0 2 0
Latin America and Caribbean 2 2 2
North America 8 10 6
Global Businesses 0 0 0
Group 1 0 0


1 This data includes ERM employees only and does not include independent contractors at this time due to system limitations.

Number of Recordable Incidents by type FY18

  Recordable incidents by type
Caught1 0 1 0
Exertion2 4 4 3
Exposure3 3 3 3
Hit4 7 3 6
Slips, trips & falls5 4 5 3


1 Caught includes caught on, in or under.
2 Exertion includes ergonomic (office and field) and fatigue.
3 Exposure includes chemical and environmental.
4 Hit includes hit by and against.
5 Slips, trips & falls includes fall on strairs, fall to lower level, fall from height, falls on same level, slip/trip from stairs.

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