AMR Industry Alliance
The AMR Industry Alliance is a diverse coalition of over 100 life sciences companies and associations working with stakeholders to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Industry has a role to play in a multi-sectoral response and is taking action against AMR, though there remain challenges to solve and gaps to close.
This is the AMR Industry Alliance’s first progress report since members made commitments on AMR in the Davos Declaration in January 2016 and AMR Industry Roadmap in September 2016. The objective of the report is to identify best practice, opportunities, and gaps where further efforts may be required by industry and other stakeholders.
This report presents the initial progress in combatting AMR made by responding Alliance companies.
This report is based on analysis of the data collected from the survey responses of 36% of Alliance member companies (36 of 101) on their AMR-relevant products – therapeutic agents or technologies that have the potential to treat or prevent infectious diseases and/or combat resistance including but not limited to antibiotics, vaccines, diagnostics and novel approaches to address AMR – as well as insights from the Alliance’s Working Groups and SustainAbility. This number covers all four categories of life sciences players and provides a rich source of data for analysis. However, it ultimately represents a sub-set of the total Alliance member companies, rather than Alliance members as a whole or the broader industry.
Based on a rigorous analysis of the survey results, a number of observations have been made regarding the collective action the life sciences industry is taking to meet its commitments in the Davos Declaration and Roadmap to proactively address the looming public health AMR crisis. Gaps remain.
The activities and progress reported on in this first report by the Alliance since the Davos Declaration are only a part of the global response to AMR. This report presents the initial progress in combatting AMR made by responding Alliance companies. Given that only 36% of Alliance member companies responded to our survey, further effort is needed to assess and drive progress against the commitments by all signatories of the Davos Declaration.
The Alliance will actively support member companies in filling in the gaps ahead of the next update. This will include greater outreach to non-responding companies, as well as efforts to share best practices and supporting materials. In particular, we will work with stakeholders to better understand what steps industry needs to take to impact the most critical areas.
The Alliance is committed to reporting on progress every two years. The next progress report will be published in 2020.