For more than a decade, ERM has brought together industry leaders to share ideas and address challenging issues related to contaminated sites and liability portfolio management. We have hosted more than 35 remediation roundtables throughout the US, Europe, and Latin America and are proud of the positive feedback we have consistently received from the roundtable participants.
ERM’s Remediation Roundtables provide a special opportunity for industry leaders to exchange ideas and engage with peers in an intimate and structured setting in order to generate valuable insights and new perspectives. Previous roundtable attendees include senior global remediation executives representing leading companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, mining, oil & gas, power and automotive sectors.
For this edition of the Roundtable, we will bring remediation in contaminated areas from the perspective of the ESG as the central theme of the discussions. Topics to be discussed:
- ESG Perspectives on Remediation
- Social from ESG vs. remediation
- Sustainable Remediation
- Environmental Compensation
Who Should Attend
Remediation Directors and Managers with corporate responsibility for a portfolio of sites, including financial and technical success.
To keep sessions highly interactive, participation is limited to 25 individuals.