Every day in this job is like a new level in some sort of game. There are always new challenges to face, new skills to master. Every step in my journey at ERM has offered something new to tackle – from mastering the basics in the early days, to tackling complex frameworks or staying on top of global trends in sustainability. To me, that’s incredibly inspiring.
When I first learned about ERM, I was excited by the chance to be part of a consultancy with such a global profile. This felt like a place where I could make a real impact – I wasn’t wrong! I started out working on environmental impact assessments for clients in the oil and gas sector, but I’ve since moved into the Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change team and gained a promotion to Principal Consultant. I couldn’t have done it alone. Thankfully I have amazing people around me, from mentors and teammates to colleagues right across the business – all empowering and supporting me at every step.
That’s what I love most about working here: collaboration. No silos or competition, just everyone pushing each other on. We rely on each other’s strengths, leaning on and learning from our colleagues. There’s a huge variety and breadth of specialist skills and knowledge across the business, but we all share the same values and beliefs, the same fundamental purpose. It helps makes ERM more than a workplace, but a place where we can all grow and thrive as professionals.
With each project that comes around, whether developing sustainability strategies or carrying out nature-related risk assessments, we have another opportunity to make a lasting impact. That’s because our work doesn’t stay on paper – it sparks real action and really matters in the world. It’s not just motivating but career defining too: I was even given an award for my contribution recently. I never expected it, but I’m extremely grateful – especially to all my peers that have helped me along the way.
I’ve been here for 12 years already, but with the growth, variety and impact I’ve experienced along the way, it’s flown by. I’m ready for the next level tomorrow!